It’s an Abomination! Queer People? No, Shrimp! The fabulous Joe Decker, co-founder of GodHatesShrimp.com, is back with a new voter initiative: The Shellfish Suppression Act.
Queer and darn proud of it.
Please remember, if you are an LGBT child or teen in need of help, the National Runaway Switchboard at 1-800-RUNAWAY can help you. The Ali Forney Center has a local and national LGBT youth online resource guide.
Anonymous: You can’t have a bicycle. You can have either a homocycle or a heterocycle. bisexual-community: Ha! LOL I really prefer a vehicle that can go both ways. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit…
“She was a war veteran, and she’s been living her life and has been recognized as a woman for over 38 years. For the federal government to say, ‘You are not legally female’ was just so insulting at a time when she was already grieving the loss of her husband,” says Dru Levasseur, national director of the Transgender Rights Project for Lambda Legal, which took up Asti’s case in June 2013.
Adding to Asti’s argument: Her legal documents – from her Social Security card, to her passport, to her federal taxes, to her pilot’s license – had long reflected her legal status as female. Even so, none of it was enough to convince the Social Security Administration, which originally denied her survivor’s benefits because the agency claimed she was male at the time the couple wed in 2004.
It can take a lifetime to get rid of that old programming and replace it with healthy, non-toxic views of yourself. Recovery from conversion therapy is difficult at best. Some remain forever scarred, emotionally and spiritually. Conversion therapy reinforces internalized homophobia, anxiety, guilt and depression. It leads to self-loathing and emotional and psychological harm when change doesn’t happen. Regrettably, too many will choose suicide as a result of their sense of failure.
Exclusive: 9 Former Ex-Gay Leaders Join Movement To Ban Gay Conversion Therapy
Read the full letter at the source link.
(via qbits)
“But is it true love, in the rectum?”
These books are a good start on BDSM in critical theory. Philosophy, not whacking material.
I re-read the sentence slowly, hoping it would make more sense this time around. Organized homosexuality, with its belief in sex-for-its-own-sake, is an important Illuminati control mechanism. Nope, still ridiculous. Organized homosexuality? Do they mean the Pride parades? Or the…
Oregon State University is hosting a conference on Modern Sex: Privilege, Communication, and Culture. They invited the eminent Tristan Taormino to be keynote speaker. Great choice! Then — after she had bought plane tickets, which they are now refusing to…