
Sometimes we laugh instead of screaming. Or in addition to.

The Spanking Mermaid

A good friend of mine recommends (metaphorical) codslapping as a way of dealing with male chauvinists, clueless fools, and others who would benefit from the impact of a large, cold, wet fish in the face. This mermaid takes a more…

Hot Bi Babes and Other Unicorns

The next time someone invites you to make a third in their marriage, or tells you that they’ve been looking for a hot bi babe to date both husband and wife, smile sweetly and hand them the polyamorous secondary relationship…

The Official Poly Lovers’ Gift List

Each year the Polyarchy — the secret cabal of experts who rule the sexual underground — tries to simplify the lives of up-to-date polyfolk by designing new relationship agreements and requirements, determining what behavior is healthy and what is unhealthy,…

And They Think We’re Kinky

This year’s Bad Sex in Fiction Prize winner is Rowan Somerville (or possibly Summerville) for The Shape of Her. This novel sounds like the premise for a soft-porn film: two passionate young lovers vacationing on a Greek island. But the…

So True

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