
Doing the dishes isn’t always a kinky scene.

Leslie Feinberg and the Problem of Family

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Significant Changes

Earlier this year I started on a new adventure — a romantic and sexual relationship with Siegfried Volsung, my first new vanilla romance in nearly a quarter of a century. My spice thought I was insane for trying; they made…

So Much Better than Brazilian Wax

I had big plans for tonight, involving the Boytoy, Karen, the Citadel, a series of canes, and half a dozen floggers. Unfortunately, I have been sick with strep, so I’m spending my days and nights sleeping, taking antibiotics, drinking chicken…

Bi and Poly

Can someone bi and poly live monogamously? A friend of mine is looking for experiences and viewpoints on the issue now. I’ve always been bisexual; my first-grade crushes were a girl called Robin and a boy called Stephen. Perhaps because…

What Do You Want from a Sub?

Everyone has a different idea of the perfect submissive. (Thank heaven — otherwise there would be a stampede in the direction of one or two, and everyone else would be wretched.) I’m curious as to which of the various qualities…

Suck, Sex, Swallow

Do Dommes ever have regular intercourse? Do they do fellatio? These seem kind of undignified, maybe even subby. Honey, Dommes do what we damned well please, and we don’t worry what someone else thinks of our pleasures. Yes, I personally…