Tag Archive for Polyamory

Hot Bi Babes and Other Unicorns

The next time someone invites you to make a third in their marriage, or tells you that they’ve been looking for a hot bi babe to date both husband and wife, smile sweetly and hand them the polyamorous secondary relationship…

Study on Multiply Partnered People

Polyamory/Multi-Partnered Research Study (cross-posted; please cross-post it yourself!) Have you ever been in romantic and/or sexual relationships with two or more people at the same time? Were these relationships consensual among all parties, with each partner aware that you were…

Bi and Poly

Can someone bi and poly live monogamously? A friend of mine is looking for experiences and viewpoints on the issue now. I’ve always been bisexual; my first-grade crushes were a girl called Robin and a boy called Stephen. Perhaps because…