Monthly Archives: February 2011

Think He Can Pass?

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Valentine’s Day and Lupercalia

Quiz: Valentine’s Day is: a commemoration of the martyrdom of a Roman whom the Catholic Church removed from the calendar of saints in 1969 a commercialized festival celebrating a romantic love so profoundly stereotyped that it practically qualifies as a…

The Gallery of Dangerous Women

I’ve finally started a Tumblr. It focuses on women who break the mold in some way — women who command their own minds, bodies, hearts, and sexual expression. Women who threaten the patriarchy by their very existence. They’re not all…

The Spanking Mermaid

A good friend of mine recommends (metaphorical) codslapping as a way of dealing with male chauvinists, clueless fools, and others who would benefit from the impact of a large, cold, wet fish in the face. This mermaid takes a more…