The next time someone invites you to make a third in their marriage, or tells you that they’ve been looking for a hot bi babe to date both husband and wife, smile sweetly and hand them the polyamorous secondary relationship…
Monthly Archives: January 2011
Modern Sex Conference: Communication or Old-Fashioned Silencing?
Oregon State University is hosting a conference on Modern Sex: Privilege, Communication, and Culture. They invited the eminent Tristan Taormino to be keynote speaker. Great choice! Then — after she had bought plane tickets, which they are now refusing to…
Leslie Feinberg and the Problem of Family
Reposted from Questioning Transphobia Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend
Hermaphroditus Intersex
Hermaphroditus_intersex Originally uploaded by enfemmetv I don’t know where this statue is, or if it’s just great Photoshopping. Whichever, I thank enfemmetv for allowing people to share the photo. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via…