Monthly Archives: January 2003

Are you a friend of Jay W?

A Quiz for Perverts With respect and apologies to all 12-step groups everywhere… Could *you* be a friend of Jay W? Take this simple test and find out! 1. Do you lose time from working due to SM? (extra points…

Good News from Greenery Press

Some of the hottest authors of erotica showcase their best work in a limited collector’s edition. The cover alone makes me wet. I can’t wait for the stories. That’s a secret for now, but I’ll give you the FAQ on…

Like *That’s* a Surprise

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? brought to you by Quizilla Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in…

Sexual Quizzes from

Lorelei, your sexual personality is Zeta-ETDN-10. Your sexual personality is determined by your sexual persona (Zeta), 4 sexual scales (Emotional/Physical, Look/Touch, Daring/Modest, Verbal/Non-verbal), and your libido score (10). As a Zeta, the high degree of confidence you feel around your…

Are Toybags Necessary?

And now, a word from an old friend: With all due respect, Mistress, do you really need all this stuff just to get off? And if so, what does it say about the role of industrial production in sex? How…

Kinky Lyrics

I love Tori Amos anyway, but have you read her lyrics? Check out the song called “Leather,” from Little Earthquakes. Mmmm, yes. Look I’m standing naked before you Don’t you want more than my sex I can scream as loud…

Types of Scene

Doing a demo might as well not be a scene at all, in terms of my sexual arousal. It’s pure expertise, which has its own keen intellectual pleasure, but no visceral lust, no emotional involvement. One exception was the knifeplay…

Live Nude Safety Notes

It had been ages since I had a chance to play with a boy. It’s been only twice in the past three years, both times co-Topping a seriously masochistic guysub who belonged to a friend. Somehow that’s different, though. Karen…

Suck, Sex, Swallow

Do Dommes ever have regular intercourse? Do they do fellatio? These seem kind of undignified, maybe even subby. Honey, Dommes do what we damned well please, and we don’t worry what someone else thinks of our pleasures. Yes, I personally…

Packing the Toybag

Percussion Toys A weight-lifter’s glove (pads the palm while leaving the fingers free — makes for very thuddy spanking and lets me hit as hard as I like while doing no damage) Vampire gloves (yes, I use these spiky leather…