Here’s a letter from bearsir, an award-winning performance artist, writer, and activist who travels around the country teaching about GLBTQ issues. (That’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer.) I respect Bear’s work very highly, and this work is essential education…
Monthly Archives: June 2004
Significant Changes
Earlier this year I started on a new adventure — a romantic and sexual relationship with Siegfried Volsung, my first new vanilla romance in nearly a quarter of a century. My spice thought I was insane for trying; they made…
So Much Better than Brazilian Wax
I had big plans for tonight, involving the Boytoy, Karen, the Citadel, a series of canes, and half a dozen floggers. Unfortunately, I have been sick with strep, so I’m spending my days and nights sleeping, taking antibiotics, drinking chicken…
The Citadel
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